DreaganStar Saga


The DreaganStar trilogy tells a tale of adventure, industrial espionage, political maneuverings, psychological manipulations, violence, science, and romance surrounding the first experimental faster-than-light (FTL) spacecraft. The DreaganStar  had been built at one of the five lunar colonies by the eccentric genius, Jonathan Dreagan, creator of the technologies that made this underground civilization possible.

The story begins when the colonies’ board of directors call in Master Psychologist Samantha Alexander and insist that she declare Dreagan incompetent and insane. Independent thinker Sammie has other plans. So does her superior.

To read the DreaganStar synopsis, click here: Synopsis-DreaganStar

To read the DreaganGrey synopsis, click here: DreaganGrey Synopsis

To read the DreaganDance synopsis, click here: Synopsis-DreaganDance

Contact Nan at nan@nanklee.com.